Erasmus+ funded project

Erasmus+ funded project

Erasmus+ funded project

In the short documentary "What clothes whisper about", we learned what worn clothes fear most... ending up in a rubbish dump or in the fiery oesophagus of incinerators.

But... let's look at the problem from a different angle and explore the answer to the question, what does the dress look forward to? 

This project is supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme in the school education sector. The contents of this document reflect the views of the author, and the European Commission and the Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation are not responsible for these views.

© 2023 


E10290396 - EKOCHARITA SLOVENSKO SLOVENSKU, Slovak Republic, OID E10290396, coordinator

E10314286 - Municipality Lukáčovce, Slovak Republic, partner organisation

E10290401 - POTEX s.r.o., Czech Republic, OID E10290401, partner organisation

E10328745 - Non-profit organization RECYKLOHRY, Slovak Republic, partner organization

E10331220 - Eurotex Ltd, Republic of Bulgaria, partner organisation